After 28 years at the helm of KFE, the time has come to step aside and allow the younger generation to continue moving the company forward.
This would not have been such an easy decision if I hadn’t got Nik, as Sales Director, and Tanya, as Managing Director, waiting patiently in the wings to pick up the reins.
Over the years, they have proven that they have the ability, knowledge, and continued excellent relationships with our customers and suppliers to not only maintain our business principles but also take KFE to the next level. I know that they have the full support of the entire wonderful KFE team.
With that in mind, I am taking the title of Chairman and will no longer be involved in the day-to-day decision-making at the company. However, I will be here to support Nik and Tanya whenever advice is required.
I do still plan to visit you, our wonderful customers, and, yes, it is also fair to assume that you may still see me at the bar at all social gatherings!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my wife Aviy and my family for their support throughout the 46 years we have been in the fish and chip industry. My thanks also go to Gijs, his family and the team at QBTEC, as well as the numerous industry supply companies with whom we have built such special, long-standing relationships.
I am also deeply appreciative of our hardworking and loyal staff and, most importantly, of you – our customers.
I hope to visit many of you in my new role as Chairman but, in the meantime, I would like yoto know that your commitment to KFE and to myself is so very appreciated. I know some of you have worked with us for the entire 28 years, but every one of you has become a part of our unique “KFE Family”.
Thank you and best wishes,
Paul Williams