Giving shops the confidence to tackle rising prices will be top of the agenda at our KFE Open Day taking place on Sunday 16th October with money-saving tips and ideas to increase sales.
Attendees to the open day – the first since Covid – can take a tour of our state-of-the-art, high efficiency Kiremko wall range to understand the advanced technology that is saving customers up to 50% on their gas bills and 30% on their oil.
As well as learning how we have helped multiple Kiremko customers secure energy efficiency grants of between £10,000 and £20,000, our six-strong sales team will be on hand to crunch the numbers and help shops understand the exact price they need to be charging for fish and chips based on rising commodity prices.
Representatives from our leasing partner, Tower Leasing, will also be available to discuss the finance options on offer and to break down the investment required into the exact number of additional portions of fish and chips a shop needs to sell each day for a range to pay for itself.
New online mobile ordering device
We will also be unveiling our brand new online mobile ordering device for shops looking to increase their revenue streams by offering delivery. Visitors can try out the technology while learning about the free marketing opportunities that come with having their own database.
In addition, there will be live demonstrations from award-winning trainers Mark Petrou and Gordon Hillan, opportunities to meet with suppliers such as Drywite, Friars Pride, Kerry Foods and Middletons, as well as time to network and share ideas with other shop owners.
The open day runs from 10am until 3pm, is free to attend and everyone will leave with a goody bag and having enjoyed a fish and chips lunch.
KFE Managing Director Paul Williams comments: “We’re really pleased to be welcoming visitors back to our open day where we hope to reassure customers at this worrying time by offering advice, practical solutions and clarity.
“It’s also an opportunity for customers to see the value of investing in energy efficient equipment, which is becoming all the more important in light of rising energy prices. We’ve had a customer tell us recently that their Kiremko frying range paid for itself in gas and oils savings in under five years, and we are keen to help other shops achieve similar savings.”
Following on from the open day on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th October is our two-day training course.
Hosted by Gordon Hillan and Mark Petrou, the pair will take students through every aspect of running a fish and chip shop from prepping and frying as well as marketing. On the second day, students will fry their own lunch.
To book your place on our KFE Open Day or the two-day training course, call 01778 380448 or e-mail sales@kfeltd.co.uk