NEODA has put together a short guide to getting the most from your social media in the run-up to National Fish and Chip Day.
Add pictures – as with Twitter you can engage with your audience by using pictures. Post pictures of a busy Friday night, customers eating fish and chips or your latest fish delivery arriving.
Website – if you have a website make sure you put a link to the website onto Facebook.
Be reactive – don’t forget to like and also comment on other people’s posts
Competitions – another great way of getting new customers. If you have some budget, you can pay to boost a competition post on Facebook so it reaches a wider audience.
NEODA will be running competitions so keep an eye on what they are doing
Don’t forget to follow us on twitter: @neoda-oils
Official Hashtag: #nationalfishandchipday
Topic Hashtags: #fishandchips #fryday #frydays
Imagery – On National Fish and Chip Day why not change your banner to an official national Fish and Chip day banner which can be downloaded from our website
Tweet a picture– a picture is worth a thousand words. Everyone loves seeing pictures and they are a great way of building a buzz and people love to share them.
Radio – everyone will be talking about National Fish and Chip Day so be sure to @ in your local radio station and also national radio such as @bbcradio2 or @bbcr1 or @absoluteradio
Competitions – another great way of getting new customers. If you have some budget, you can pay to boost a competition post on Facebook so it reaches a wider audience.
Hashtag – don’t forget to use hashtags # where you can e.g. #nationalfishandchipday #fishandchips
Run competitions & giveaways – post a picture of the NF&CD poster with “Share this pic today to go in a draw to win a free portion of fish and chips on #nationalfishandchipday”
Follow and engage: Follow your customers, follow people in your industry, follow your friends and follow
influential people. See what’s happening in your local town and engage with your local community
Like and retweet – when browsing through your newsfeed don’t forget to like posts and retweet the one’s you
really like. This is a great way of building engagement with potential customers.
Have fun – share some fishy puns and interesting facts – being social doesn’t have to be serious. You’ll find some in the toolkit on the website.
Don’t forget to hashtag!#nationalfishandchipday #fishandchips #fryday
Be “human” – Instagram is the perfect tool to show the human side and personality of your shop, engage your audience as well as feature the individuals involved in your event.
Picture of the day/videos – share a picture of the day on Instagram e.g. excited staff receiving the day’s delivery of fresh fish or preparing the batter or even a happy customer eating fish and chips! This is a great way of sharing a bit of insight into what goes on behind-the-scenes of a fish and chip shop or restaurant too.
Put a video up on Instagram – for instance show the best way to make batter, or fry a piece of cod.
Creating engagement – Very much similar to Twitter and Facebook. Use hashtags # and maybe run a competition on the best fish and chip photo. Ask people to send in their best photo of them eating fish and chips and then ask people to vote for their favourite picture.
For more helpful hints and tips to help promote the day through your social media channels, click here. And if you do need any additional guidance or help, please do get in touch with NEODA here and they will be happy to help.