Peter Fraser is the owner of two of the South West’s most successful fish and chip shops. Both located on the Cornish south coast, Harbour Lights in Falmouth and Fraser’s in Penzance have both won multiple accolades.
So, during the Covid-19 pandemic when the opportunity came to open up a new site nearby, Peter jumped at it. We caught up with Peter and his operations manager Tom Rubensson to discuss the new venture in Helston, also branded Fraser’s.
What made you consider developing this site?
Our two existing shops are 24 miles apart and Helston is bang in the middle. The shop had a good reputation, was in a great location and it came with a cottage that made a natural Chip HQ for training, storage and admin.
Why did you buy a new Kiremko range?
The shop had a 25-year-old range that had limited ability to deal with trade rushes and was on its last legs.
What made you choose a Kiremko frying range?
This is our seventh purchase from KFE. Us being a family firm, we do like dealing with other family firms, the service is more personal. And the output from a Kiremko range is phenomenal.
Which feature of the range do you like the most?
The temperature controls on the digital displays, allowing us to set the temperature between 100°C and 140°C.
Do any of the features make the frying job easier/more efficient?
Having named product timers helps a lot in keeping track of what’s going on in a busy pan.
Have you noticed improvements so far since installing?
We have separate filtration between chip and fish pans to ensure all of the chips are gluten free. This along with the carbon filtration system have significantly increased the longevity of the oil.
Do you have any upcoming big events you are looking forward to testing it out on?
We are planning a proper, full-on launch. We opened our Helston shop in Covid times, it has had the softest launch of any chippy in history! So we’re looking forward to getting the bunting out, filling the shop, getting a band playing and getting the chips truly flying out!
Click here to read why The Plaice in Bude on the North Cornwall coast has replaced its 20-year-old Kiremko workhorse with a new 4 pan island range.