Fundraising for The Fishermen’s Mission on World Oceans Day
With the theme of this year’s World Oceans Day being life and livelihoods, we want to show our appreciation for both the fishermen that risk their lives catching the amazing fish our industry serves and The Fishermen’s Mission, which helps fishermen and their families in times of need.
So we’re running a campaign on Twitter and Facebook whereby for every retweet or share of our World Oceans Day post made today (Tuesday 8th June), we’ll donate £1 to The Fishermen’s Mission*.
We’ve long been a supporter of the Fishermen’s Mission, raising in the region of £50,000 for the charity through our annual dinner dances, race days, auctions and events.
In 2017, we launched KFE on Mission, which saw 10 award-winning friers visit shops in England, Scotland and Wales in return for a donation. The event culminated in a charity dinner followed by an auction, raising £13,000 for The Fishermen’s Mission. It was so successful that the event was repeated in 2019, adding a further £14,500 to the charity pot.
In 2018, we were awarded the Fishermen’s Mission Fundraiser of the Year Award.
Paul Williams, KFE managing director, comments: “The past 18 months have been tough on charities like The Fishermen’s Mission, which relies on donations for survival.
“As we’ve not been able to get everyone together this year and run our events, which are big fundraising occasions for the Fishermen’s Mission, this is a small token of our appreciation for the amazing work it undertakes. I’m sure our dinner dance, finally taking place in September, will help get our fundraising efforts back on track!”
*We’ll donate £1 for each person/organisation that shares/retweets our post on Tuesday 8th June up to a maximum of £1,000. Only one share/retweet per person/organisation is eligible for a donation (multiple retweets/shares from the same account will not count).